About Us

Jobsapp.in We have a vision for Future Jobs for people we want to  provide  information on  job openings and Jobsapp deals to find  best job search in India for Engineering Pass-outs,Management and also for BA, B.Com, B.Sc, MA, M.Com,M.Sc,CA,CS,Govt Jobs. Almost all. This  is a web place  where employers, and job seekers can exchange information Via  Jobsapp.in  providing highly researched and detailed information about various jobs openings,we are conceived, designed and promoted by professionals who have extensive experience in the areas of Information Technology and Human Resources ideas.We also Provide Online Study material,like current affairs & education related news from where you will get info on interview tips,resume writing  tips, and we have tie up with some of the major companies & consultancies in india.

Our Purpose  and Mission to run this site :

1) To Jobcast Frequent  Job Alerts to everyone who is in search of job.

2) To Help Spread the News of  Jobs as soon as they are announced by HR Managers & govt.

3) To aid Consultants as well as HR Managers in their recruitment drives.

4) To allow Members to participate in discussions and conversations pertaining to Recruitments in particular.

5) To Spread the Word about this website  and to increase the size of the network to potentially include each and every  Professional in India currently using Facebook & other social media networks.

6) To encourage each and every member to engage, participate and contribute freely.

7) To develop relationships with others within this Site and to expand each other's personal networks.

Become a member to keep updated on some of the latest opportunities via this site.

Suggestions to better the site are welcome !

Our  Back office Team is Developing a jobsapp application  on android  market which will be launched by the year end ! Thanks and warm wishes to you all !!

And If you are unable to find what you are in search of, just drop us your resume at jobsappzone@gmail.com   we will handle the rest for you.

Our Philosophy :
We believe everyone deserves a job they love.

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