Finance Job

Finance runs the world and managing this turmoil requires the skill of accounting. Accounting and finance are specialized studies which not only earn your lucrative jobs but also a promising future. This is one sector that will always be on toes, no matter whatever changes take place across the globe.
Although both these fields are different in conceptualization and application of strategies, yet they share the same target. One who has specialized in one of these fields also needs to have an extensive knowledge of the other, for better decision making capabilities. Whether it is public, private or corporate related accounting and financial analysis, the course of action has to be decided through the knowledge of expert practitioners.

Company Secretary
Job Responsibility:-

Competence in management and ensuring acquiescence of statutory requirements,according to corporate laws
Making certain that there is smooth flow of financial and legal criteria amongst all the stakeholders in the firm
Adept at handling administrative responsibilities
Legal advising in matters regarding disagreements, financial and accounts related matters

Job Responsibility:-

An in-depth knowledge of the subject, along with adeptness at analysis related skills
Must have expertise in legal financial matters
Ability to maintain financial records and associated data
Manage and apply profitable fiscal plans for the progress of the organization

Marketing Job

Although both these fields vary extensively in their approach and criteria, yet they are linked to each other in terms of business. Marketing involves the tactical applications to build better communications between the prospects and the industry; which in turn helps in the generation of sales leads.
The various sales promotion techniques, for instance, branding, advertising and even creating social media awareness, requires the enhancement of marketing related methodology. For an amplified sales
generation the co-operation of the marketing strategies is must. Hence, it is considered that when both these teams work hand in hand, there are increased chances of improved turnover.

Business Development Manager
Job Responsibility:-

Develop plans and layouts for the overall progress of the different sectors of the organization
Dexterity in preparing and implementing sales growth related plans
Analyzing and scrutinizing the various R&D related approaches
Having a knowhow of corporate, financial, legal and other related matters

Sales Manager
Job Responsibility:-

Manage the sales operations such that it yields maximum profits, through standard measures
Strategize and prepare a business plan that can be further developed and worked on to result in profitable turnover
Proficient in building of organizational relationship and display of teamwork
Ability to display leadership skills, whenever time calls for it

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