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Reserve Bank of India Recruitment for Fireman vacancies 2013

Organization name: Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Fresher/Exp : 2 Yrs Experience
No of Openings: 02 Posts
Eligibility criteria : 7th Class
Age : 18-25 as on 01-07-2013
Job profiles: Fireman
Location: Mumbai
Salary :  Pay Scale Rs. 6350-13750 /-.
Last date for receiving of applications :  12th AUG 2013
Organization website: www.rbi.org.in
Reserve Bank of India fireman Recruitment 2013 :

Reserve Bank of India Recruitment for Fireman vacancies 2013. RBI is inviting applications from Interested candidates for the post of Fireman. The Candidate applying for the job should at least have passed 7th class from a government school or a government approved school.Candidates must have the minimum of 2 Years of work experience for RBI recruitment 2013. Candidates with higher educational qualification is not eligible to apply. Candidates Date of birth as recorded in school leaving certificate/Transfer Certificate/ Birth certificate issued by Municipal Corporation will be considered. Candidates who are Orthopaedically handicapped/disabled persons will not be eligible to apply for Reserve Bank of India Recruitment 2013. Candidates should note that merely fulfilling eligibility criteria does not entitle candidate to be called for Interview. The decision of Bank will be final in regarding the recruitment of Reserve Bank of India Fireman Posts 2013. No Correspondence will be done if the candidate is found to be not eligible/ not considered. Candidates canvassing in any form will be disqualified from the recruitment process of RBI.The official website of Reserve Bank of India is www.rbi.org.in.

Selection Process:
The selection process is purely based on an Interview
How to Apply for Reserve Bank of India Fireman Posts:
1> Candidate must apply in the prescribed format of application published . Application in any other format will be rejected. Candidate should download the format of the application form available on RBI website www.rbi.org.in .
2> The format of application form prescribed should not itself be used as application. Foolscap sheet should be used for the application. Application may be preferably type written or neatly hand written.
3> Attested copies of relevant documents/Certificates should be attached.
4> Latest signed passport photo must be affixed on the right top corner of the application.
5> Application should be sent through post to the address given below on or before 12th Aug 2013.
Director (Maharashtra & Goa),
Reserve bank of india, Mumbai Office,
Human Resources Management Department,
Recruitment Section,Main Office Building,
Shahid Bhagat singh Marg, Post Box No.901.
Mumbai-400 001

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